Архив: Testimonials


I am happy to have Sheleen as my teacher.She is a patient person who creates a calm and nice atmosphere in the classroom....


It was a very useful class for the development of my Business English skills. The studying materials provided variety of different types of exercises and ambitious specialized vocabulary. The lesson was challenging but Sheleen was patient and provided the needed guidance....


Very helpful lesson. The exercises were difficult, however Sheleen explained very well the new things....


Nice and useful lesson!...


It was very interesting and useful lesson! We did a lot of exercises and we practiced our Grammar skills. Teacher Sheleen was great! Thank you for her help and nice attitude! It is always pleasure to study with her....


It was very interesting and useful lesson! We did a lot of exercises. We had very important reading part and we learn a lot of new words on English. Teacher Sheleen was amazing. She tried to help us to understand the lesson. It is always pleasure to be in a classroom with Teacher Sheleen....


Great lesson! Or more like good conversation. Thank you! It was a pleasure! You’re a very good teacher! 🙂...


I enjoyed the lesson a lot. Sheleen prepared for us very nicely. It was really helpful for me and I am very thankful....


The lesson was very interesting. It was really helpful for me and I enjoyed it a lot....


The lesson was very nice. We discussed different topics and Sheleen gave us useful healthy advices....


Много добър урок. Teacher Sheleen ни обясни трудното по един лесен и разбираем начин....


Great lesson. The discussions during the lesson were really nice and helpful for me....


Very nice lesson. Although the topic sounds boring, there was a lot of laughing during the lesson....


Really nice lesson. I liked the discussions a lot. Sheleen always shares with us very interesting stories....


It was very interesting lesson. I am very tankful to Sheleen that she always finds a way to involve us in a conversation....


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