Автор: teacher_snezha

Business English Vocabulary

Sales terms Match the words in the list with their definitions. advantage benefit consultant awareness browse convince 1 a person who gives information or advice in business 2 a useful, positive effect that something has 3 knowing about something and probably being interested in it 4 something that helps or that gives a better chance...

Business English Writing

Personal statement Personal statements are a way of stating your interests, skills, experience, and development needs in your education and training. They are useful for seeing what your strengths are and for seeing what you need to improve. You can also send them to potential employers, together with a CV. Read the personal statement for...


Marketing terminology Put the words from the line below as first words in sentences A-I to produce nine marketing tips. Monitor Advertise Research Knowledge Evaluate Tastes Identify Needs Gear A and wants are the first thing you must find out. B your customers’ preferences by using market research. C the effectiveness of your advertising and...

The Passive

ATTN: Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate Students Passive Voice...

Fast Start 5

За ниво Fast-Start 5 препоръчвам следното упражнение:...

Conditional Tutorial – допълнителни материали – част 2

From: teacher_snezhana To : all students from upper-intermediate level Subject: grammar – conditionals Connected with my last-week promise the article on conditional is now available on website. Please, study it carefully and do all the exercises up to the subheading Mixed Conditionals. If you have any questions we can discuss them in the upper-intermediate classroom....

Conditional Тutorial – допълнителни материали – част 1

From: teacher_snezhana To : all students from upper-intermediate level Subject: grammar – conditionals Connected with my last-week promise the article on conditional is now available on website. Please, study it carefully and do all the exercises up to the subheading Mixed Conditionals. If you have any questions we can discuss them in the upper-intermediate classroom....


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